Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of HCDG College, Nitaipukhuri was established on 15th July 2008 to activate the process of developing the capabilities of the college and to raise the standard of the college through continuous improvement in quality. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC has become a part of an institution’s system and has been working towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime concern of the IQAC, HCDG College is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of this institute. The IQAC strives to make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of the college. It has been channelizing the efforts and measures of an institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.


IQAC strives for internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of a number of quality assurance strategies and thereupon to execute them. Some of these strategies comprise introduction of certificate courses, skill development courses, organization of national seminars and state level programmes, a number of extension activities, career counseling programmes, awareness programmes on a number of burning problems and relevant social issues, and special classes for advanced and slow learners etc. IQAC takes feedback from different stake holders and attempts to execute proper action to eliminate the weaknesses with dedication and involvement. IQAC works with due focus on the analysis of SWOT.

Moreover, IQAC of this college plans some strategies to cater to the needs of the students of remote areas living in the vicinity of the riverine areas of the Brahmaputra and the Dehing. The prime concern of the institution is to provide quality higher education for the under privileged students coming from surrounding villages and riparian villages.


To ensure quality culture through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives provided with internal and external support so that the institution can reach the goal of rare achievements.


To develop a conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of this institution to provide quality education to the students of under privileged section of the society, and to plan some strategies for inculcating best practices to ensure quality in academic, administrative and financial spheres of the institution.


Academic Domain:
• Preparation of College Prospectus
• Preparation of Academic Calendar
• Preparation of Class Routine before each semester
• Organization of Orientation/Induction programme/bridge courses for the newly enrolled students
• Conducting Sessional examinations, unit tests, class tests, mock tests and Students seminar/Group discussions
• Organizing national seminar/state level/regional seminar/workshop/awareness programme
• Organizing field visit, carrying out project
• Introduction of certificate/diploma courses, skill-based courses
• Organizing special classes, tutorials for advanced and slow learners
• Mentoring
• Focus on using ICT enabled classes
• Adequate number of books/subscription of Nlist Inflibnet library
• Book Bank facility for meritorious needy students
• Provision of adequate number of computers with internet facility
• Submission of course completion certificate by all the teachers
• Observation of significant divas/days
• Arousing awareness about quality enhancement in higher education
• Ensuring student-friendly environment

Administrative Domain

• Decentralization of power by appointing/nominating members, office bearers from teaching, non-teaching, library staff, students and local communities in various decision making bodies/committees/cells
• Proper running of college library and book bank
• Timely preparation of AQAR and submission of the same in NAAC portal
• Smooth conduct of Internal Examinations and declaration of result/hanging of marks in notice board
• Convening IQAC meeting and arousing awareness about NAAC accreditation and assessment
• Maintenance of Students’ Welfare Fund and providing financial assistance to needy students
• Taking feedback from students and alumni and guardians, analysis of reports and implementation of the suggestions if felt necessary
• Holding Parent-teacher assembly for improving academic/administrative environment
• Timely appraisal of the activities of various cells/committees/NSS/NCC
• Running Weaving Training and Production Centre
• Running Kathasilpi Buddhindra Kumar Rajkhanikar Memorial Trust for literary and social activities
• Running Girls’ Hostel in the college campus
• Running college canteen in college campus

Committee Members

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Reconstitution